Foundation: Designing Change
How might we design transformative organisations that can enrich the lives of those we serve? In this course, we will break down different components of the change process starting with “who” we are serving. This enables us to design change that is relevant to who we intend it for.

Time & Location
12 Jun 2023, 18:00 CEST – 21 Jun 2023, 19:30 CEST
Webinar on Zoom
About the event
How might we intentionally design for change that benefits those we serve?
Change is not an easy process. With only 30% of organisational transformations succeeding, it is imperative that we look at what we can do to pro-actively attend to change within our organisations. Our capacity to navigate change involves understanding the change journey AND then designing for change.
For this course, we will break down different components of the change process starting with “who” we are serving. Michel Bachmann in his Medium article, suggests evolving Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle around Why/How/What by placing the Who at its core and depicting it as a spiral rather than concentric circles to reflect its dynamic nature. This major shift from Why to Who enables us to design change that is relevant to who we intend it for.
Designing change that espouses the Platinum rule: “Do unto others as they would want done to them" encourages us to move away from providing transactional reciprocity to deep attunement and empathy. Coupled with knowing the change journey of who we are serving, we are able to find the right levers that can amplify change.
What You Will Learn
- Recognize who the drivers and beneficiaries of change
- Practices to shift our mindset from “Starting with Why” to “Starting with Who”
- Define the journey of change through the Satir change model
- Understand the levers that contribute to change
- Mapping the journey of change of your organisation
We will meet online for 4x 90-minute workshops, spread over 2 weeks. 12-21st June, Mondays & Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm CET.
The workshops will be interactive and participatory. We will give you a free copy of the Satir Change Model Facilitator’s Guide and the Designing for Change workbook.
Your Guide - Lana Jelenjev
Lana is a Filipina, now based in the Netherlands, who designs spaces for “KAPWA” (shared inner selves) to flourish. She guides founders, community leaders and changemakers in re-imagining, designing and facilitating spaces for belonging, liberation and healing.
Lana is the chairperson of the Neurodiversity Foundation, and co-founders of Community Rituals and Neurodiversity Education Academy.
The Hum Training Methodology
Our training method combines four elements:
- Our knowledge is rooted in our lived experience in our own organisations at the forefront of collaborative work practice.
- Our trainings are interactive and participatory.
- We create them with different learning styles in mind.
- We bring trauma informed practices and healing centred approaches.
To make this workshop more accessible we have a tiered ticket price €140/ €190/ €240. We have limited availability, please choose the ticket price according to your financial circumstances.
Lower income
This ticket is intended for people who earn less than the equivalent of a living wage in Europe (less than €23,000/yr)
€140.00Sale endedStandard ticket
This ticket is intended for people who earn the equivalent a living wage in Europe (approx €23,000/yr)
€190.00Sale endedHigher income
This ticket is intended for you if your organisation is paying and/or if you earn more more than a living wage in Europe (€23,000/yr)
€240.00Sale ended