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Fight Wise is an online course about developing courage in your relationships. It will help you stand up for yourself, skillfully navigate conflicts, and ask for what you want. This is not about aggression or domination, but appropriate assertiveness. 

Courage is a global improvement to your life, helping you to earn the respect of the people around you, increase your self-respect, clarify your desires and boundaries, and develop the agency to shape your reality. 

Fight Wise is designed for habitual people-pleasers who struggle to stand up for themselves in moments of confrontation. Through guided sessions, you’ll practice recognising your nervous system’s cues, reframe your beliefs about conflict, and build the skills to approach difficult conversations with clarity and confidence.

  • Session 1: Learn to gauge your nervous system’s activation on a 10-point scale and identify your unique “somatic signature”: how your body signals that your threat detection system is activated.

  • Session 2: Experiment with out-of-character approaches to confrontation, uncover what holds you back from being assertive, and start recognising patterns in your responses to conflict—physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  • Session 3: Master a communication framework to clarify your needs, preferences, and boundaries. Analyse past conflicts to identify what went wrong and what to do differently next time.

  • Session 4: Prepare for a real-life confrontation by focusing on a relationship where you need to show up with more courage. Plan and practice for a difficult but empowering conversation.

This course equips you to face conflict with greater self-awareness, assertiveness, and ease.

How it works

The course is practice-driven rather than theoretical. You’ll spend most of the time roleplaying, working through various interpersonal scenarios together with other participants. 

You will be able to choose your own level of intensity: the roleplay scenarios should be “real enough” to get you out of your comfort zone, without being overwhelmingly intense. This is what we call the “stretch zone”: it’s safe, but not entirely comfortable, so you’ll have numerous opportunities to observe yourself under stress, and practise different ways of showing up.

Through personal and collective reflection, you’ll increase your self-awareness, gain a better understanding of your automatic responses, and learn how to be more skillful in relationships. With feedback from peers & coaches, you’ll build a model of what it means to be appropriately assertive, on your own terms.

Join us if you want to

  • Practise your nervous system regulation, and notice how a dysregulated nervous system gets in the way of healthy relationships.

  • Increase the space between stimulus and response, so you can choose a more skillful option when you get triggered.

  • Practise working through difficult interpersonal situations by roleplaying real life scenarios with peers & coaches.

  • Learn about the internalised limiting beliefs that keep you from being effective and standing up for yourself.

  • Reflect and build your own principles of skilful disagreeability.

  • Design your own homework to learn at the rate that’s right for you.


Here’s what past participants have said about the course:

“One of the highest return-on-investment personal development activities I’ve done.” - Richard

“Fight Wise was invaluable in helping me to get in touch with my anger and step into my confidence and power.” - Alexandra

“The course fully exceeded my expectations - especially in terms of how real, effective and cathartic the dojo practice was.” - Michael

“I don't remember the last time I've been to something that delivered so much real life impact so fast and in such a profound way as this online course.” - Ondrej

“Fight Wise was an excellent course for me to hone in on my ability to skillfully handle conflicts. Roleplaying the different confrontations gave me a space to really think about how and why I feel and act certain ways during a fight.” - Claire

“The exercises were varying in difficulty: approachable to start, but others I found difficult and emotionally activating. Rich and Gabe created a safe space where even these more challenging activities felt safe and beneficial, helping me to grow. The focus on actually practicing conflict makes Fight Wise an engaging, useful course that actually has an impact.” - Tasshin

Dates, Times & Tickets

We meet for 4x workshops, on Zoom, spread over two weeks. Sessions are 2 hours long, starting at 6pm CET / 9am PST / 12pm EST.

Session 1 Tuesday Feb 11th

Session 2 Friday Feb 14th

Session 3 Tuesday Feb 18th

Session 4 Friday Feb 21st

If these dates don’t work for you, subscribe to the waitlist so we can notify you next time we run this course.

Tickets are $450. If you think this course will benefit you, but money is a barrier to your participation, fill in this form to apply for a scholarship.

About your coaches

Gabe Broussard aka @VividVoid_

Gabe has spent a lifetime honing his conflict skills, as a Marine, a startup founder, and a martial artist for 16 years. He has since become a peaceful warrior, studying Zen, working as a counselor and poasting about spirituality on Twitter.

Richard D. Bartlett aka @RichDecibels

Rich gained his PhD in Disagreeability after being excommunicated from the fundamentalist Christian community of his birth. These days he works with collaborative leaders to build non-hierarchical organisations based on relationships of partnership rather than domination.

Fight Wise: Find Your Backbone

Your Guides

Course Content


If you have any other questions, please get in touch. We’ll love to hear from you :)










4 Live Sessions, starting Feb 11, 5:00 PM UTC


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